Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day 306

'What's in my hoop' 


ps, would love to see what's in your hoop :-) 


Madeline said...

Nothing in my hoop at the moment as ALL my worldly goods are packed up waiting to go into storage on Tuesday. When will they be returned to me? Hopefully before Christmas when we move into our new 'downsized' home. And then, wilI I have time for quilting? I doubt it. But yours quilt is looking superb as usual Lucy.

Doniene said...

Nothing in my hoop right now, but soon as I will start a baby quilt!!! #4 due in June 2016!!! I love your quilt in your hoop!

Blessings and hugs!

Phyllis said...

Always love to see what is in your hoop. My Ohio Stars quilt just left my hoop, waiting on label and binding.

Raewyn said...

Nothing in my hoop- only small stitcheries... I've not yet hand quilted a quilt but tell myself that one day I will...!