Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 184

When I was little I always would drive a car like this at the carousel. 
(this carousel is for display. it is not in use)

Little me. 



frameless mind said...

Ooooh, wat is dit leuk! Waar ben je dit nog tegengekomen? De kleuren zijn echt prachtig. Heerlijke nostalgie. Die foto van jou is ook zo'n leuke.

Doniene said...

Cute car!! Cute you!!!

Sharon said...

What a fun carousel! Did you ever end up with the handsome car? Cute little you!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet car and a cute little you!

Phyllis said...

Zo schattig!

Linda said...

Great childhood memories! I remember those cars. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

{Geo}Holly said...

Lucy! Look how cute you were (and still are)! Fun carousel. The car reminds me of pedal cars kids had back in those days.

CountryMum said...

Such a cute little picture of you! How adorable. Thank you for sharing it.