Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 205

I'm basting my quilt since I have nothing in my hoop....
Yes I baste my quilts on the floor. Down on my knees. To me it works the best this way. 



quilting Jeannet said...

Jaloers.........op twee van die heerlijke gezonde knieën die zomaar over de grond kunnen kruipen :)

mamifleur said...

I'm fat, I'm old, but I do like you
I just adds a pillow under my knees !!!!!
One day I put more tables but to reach the center to build it was necessary that I go up on the tables !!!!! lol!
  Funny and hard floor that's much better!
Wonderful holidays in Islande , thanks for the photos !

Anonymous said...

Oh, that hurts my knees just looking at your photo, lol. I had to stop basting on the floor years ago when my back would hurt. I later learned all that running I did for 10 years gave me arthritis in my back...now my knees. I least I can still quilt if not run.
Looking forward to seeing this quilt.
blessings, jill

Doniene said...

That's the way I do it, too!! This one is going to be another beauty!

Phyllis said...

Was bij mij ook zo, maar heb er nu een paar met spray gedaan en dat ging ook goed. Wel op de grond, maar sneller.