Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 151

Done! I only have to wash and block it. And... I have to try it on. Which I don't dare at this moment. 
Afraid it won't fit or that it doesn't suit me. Ai ai..



helen said...

This is a lovely sweater!
And I am sure it will fit you perfectly! :)
Best wishes!

Doniene said...

Wonderful!!! The color looks like it will be perfect for you!! I must confess - I'm wanting to knit a sweater!! Was this an easy pattern? Or can you suggest one that would work for a beginner like me!

Phyllis said...

Oh, daar is hij/zij al! Wat beeldig, die hals! Natuurlijk staat hij, zo'n mooie kleur blauw.
Spannend hoor...